Yipu Technology Achieves Significant Progress in Wuhai's First Hydrogen Refueling Station Supply System Project

Significant progress in Wuhai's first hydrogen refueling station supply system.

July 12, 2024
Wuhai, China

YipuTechnology's first hydrogen refueling station supply system project in Wuhai has recently made significant progress. The project adopts a traditionalbipolar filter-press type alkaline water electrolysis hydrogen productionsystem. After multiple tests and debugging by technicians, the overall systemhas now been operating smoothly for over 80 hours, successfully achieving ahydrogen production rate of 500 Nm³/h.

During the system operation, the pressure on the hydrogen production side remained at1.6 MPa, the hydrogen-oxygen liquid level difference was maintained within 1cm, and the gas purification side pressure reached 1.4 MPa, meeting thehydrogen demand for refueling. The cold start process takes only 20 minutes toreach the parameter requirements of 0.01% oxygen content in hydrogen, 1.5%hydrogen content in oxygen, -70°C dew point, and 5 ppm trace oxygen (withhydrogen purity meeting 99.999%). The hydrogen production efficiency exceeds75%.

To date, the project has produced a total of 3,560 kilograms of hydrogen, with storage tanks holding hydrogen at pressures of 25 MPa and 45 MPa, both reachingfull capacity. This marks another significant breakthrough for Yipu Technologyin the field of hydrogen production technology, further consolidating thecompany's leading position in the clean energy industry.

Through the Wuhai hydrogen production project, Yipu Technology has not only successfully opened the market in the relevant region but also actively responded to the local government's new energy policies, assisting in thedevelopment of new energy and providing high-quality green hydrogen for localfactories and enterprises. The project's downstream hydrogen consumption prospects are broad, including industrial applications, transportation, andpower storage, thereby achieving better environmental and economic benefits.

Yipu Technology will continue to promote the development of clean energy, contributing more to the local economy and environmental protection.

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